
Clear Aligner Treatment, Botox Therapy

Drs. McCrea and George

As usual I haven’t kept current blogging about changes at the office. The two most significant changes are changes in Dr. staffing and Hygiene staffing.

Two Years Have Brought Some changes!

Drs Vo, George & McCrea

Two years of brought some changes to the office. We'll we miss everyone that's left but  I am excited with the group we have put together. As you know we've had Dr. Victoria Vo for close to 4 years and she is getting busy enough that we can use another doctor. Dr Mary George is filling that need. Dr. Vo and I both know Dr. George from the  AEGD & GPR programs at the University of Texas School of Dentistry in Houston. I have  worked with Dr. George and Dr. Vo for several years since they became professors at the dental school.

We're Open!

I look like a giant marshmallow!

Back up to Full Speed….With Some Changes
For the last two weeks we have been taking it slow and easing back into our regular work schedule. Getting use to the changes that have had to be made due to the Corona Virus. It’s been great to be with each other and to see all of you again.

But Not Dental Offices!

We wish the best for everyone as we struggle with the impact of COVID -19 on our friends, families and businesses.

We know it is inconvenient for you to have our offices be closed, and we are anxious to be open as well. We are taking this time to learn about new recommendations and protocols for enhancing safety in the office. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

We will be open May 11th and be ready to go!


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